Training School
Women's Wrestling

Worlds at War - FSPW vs. WZW April 29th, 2017
Tracer X defeated Ethan Case 

WarZone Wrestling Tag Team Champions The Brutes (Mark James & Jimmy Parker) defeated Two Cool Dudes who look good and also wrestle well (Jakob Hammermeier & Zane Riley) to retain the titles

 “Mr. Amazing” Michael Spencer defeated Robyn Golphin to retain the FSPW Southeastern Championship 

“The Southern Savior” John Skyler defeated “The Calamity” Kenji Brea 

Anthony Henry defeated Joseph A’Gau

 “Boss Hogg’ Vinny Dalton defeated Scrapyard Dog 

Team Firestar Pro (Cam Carter, ‘OMG’ James Ryan, Griff Garrison, Marcus Kross, & Zack Zenon) defeated Team WarZone (“The Alpha Underdog” Sean Cruise, The MANstache Main Event (Waylon Maze & Juan Jeremi), “The Rat Slaya” Malakai Matthews, & “The War Horse” Brian Sanders) in 5 on 5 elimination action

 WarZone Wrestling Heavyweight Champion LaBron Kozone defeated “The New Age Enforcer” James Drake to retain the championship