Nickname(s)- TGA, Greatness Personified
Height- 6’0
Weight- 215 lbs
Hometown- Heights Unreachable
Pro debut- January 2019
Signature Move(s)- Thin air ( Whip chord knee into Knee drop brain buster)
Finishing Move(s)- Brink of Greatness (double under hook. Lifted spin out kneckbreaker)
TGA (The Great Alexander) Moss is beyond and epitome. He is Greatness Personified. After graduating and making his pro debut after just less than a year of training, TGA has faced some of independents wrestling best offers. TGA thrives on climbing to the top of every challenge that he he is faced with. He is the current Firestar Pro Wrestling Southeastern Champion. His hybrid style of strength, agility and intelligence has led him to be a force to be reckoned with now and in the future.