FSPW News Headlines and Updates
Training School
Women's Wrestling

FSPW News Headlines and Updates

Fire Star Pro Wrestling coming to the Greensboro Sportsplex!

by FSPW on 07/05/16

Breaking NEWS! Fire Star Pro Wrestling returns on Sunday September 4th at the Greensboro Sportsplex!! We are so thankful a pleased with our new partnership with the city of Greensboro & their sportsplex. More information on this event coming soon!

FSPW Opens up NEW Pro Wrestling Facility in Greensboro, NC!

by FSPW on 01/10/16

For nearly a year, Our training program has took location outside in a backyard. Even thought it has been a struggle to operate on a regular training schedule due to weather, in this past year we've helped developed two young up and coming wrestlers Cameron Carter & James Ryan who are now traveling and working various shows in the Mid Atlantic. On Sunday January 17th, 2016 we will start training at our new facility location in Greensboro, NC.  For more information please go to our pro wrestling training school page or our contact page for more information.

Rob Killjoy successfully defends FSPW Southeastern Championship in Haw River!

by FSPW on 11/09/15

Last night Rob Killjoy defended his FSPW Southeastern Championship against Cameron Carter & LaBron Kozone in a Triple Threat match in Haw River, NC. This is a huge victory for Hated By Association's Rob Killjoy!

Joseph Black plans for an OPEN CHALLENGE to any Jr Heavyweight in the Mid Atlantic on Oct 18th!

by FSPW on 10/06/15

There are rumors floating around that "The Black Cloud" Joseph Black is preparing for an open challenge to any Jr Heavyweight in the Mid Atlantic region at the next Fire Star Pro Wrestling event as FSPW presents Retribution 2015 in Greensboro, NC! Joseph Black is the NWA Mid-Atlantic Jr Heavyweight Champion.

Hated By Association celebration of Rob Killjoy's South Eastern Title victory to take place Oct 18th in Greensboro!

by FSPW on 10/06/15

We just received word that Rob Killjoy and the rest of HBA, Shea Shea McGrady, Will Demented, & White Mike will host a party at Fire Star Pro Wrestling Presents: Retribution 2015! Sunday October 18th in Greensboro, NC! HBA will be celebrating Rob Killjoy's pinfall victory over the once undefeated in FSPW Aaron Biggs, becoming the new FSPW Southeastern Champion. 
