Who was Chris Lea's 1st Round Mystery Opponent in the PTG Tournament?
by FSPW on 07/11/13
The first round mystery opponent who replaced JJD in the Path to Glory Tournament was Chet Sterling, who was known in the past as being The Aftermath's Apprentice in CWF Mid Atlantic. We previously said about the mystery opponent, that he dislikes ShoSmoove. Chris Lea is no stranger to Chet, as they both attended the CWF Training school & has compete with each other since then even til now through out North Carolina. Fire Star Pro Wrestling scouting agency was really impressed with Chet Sterling's showing last Sunday at Path To Glory in Greensboro and when asked about placing Chet in the first ever PTG Tournament, representative claims "We have no regrets on placing Sterling in the Tournament and expect to see him more in FSPW."