Chris "ShoSmoove" Lea to face Mystery Opponent in the 1st Round of the PTG Tournament?
by FSPW on 06/02/13
We just received word from the FSPW Public Representative of Talent Relations that Joe Joe Dancer (JJD) would not be able to participate in the Path to Glory Tournament due to uncontrollable circumstances. JJD was scheduled to take on Chris Lea in the first round of the Tournament. The Majority of the FireStar Board of Administration has decided that there still has to be a first round match in the PTG Tournament for Chris Lea. This forcing Talent relations to select a new entry into the PTG Tournament which they have came to a decision on who the replacement will be for JJD. Information on who this mystery opponent for Chris Lea will not be released. The only information we have is that this wrestler has personal issues with ShoSmoove. On Sunday July 7th 2013 7-7-13 FSPW Presents: Path to Glory in Greensbroro, we will find out who this Mystery Wrestler is.
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